Skin and Sun Care

Summer is in full swing and we can finally sit back, relax and delight in the outdoors. This sounds all great in theory, but if you slack on your skincare at this time, you are not going to have a good time….and summer is all about good times!

UVA/UVB rays are harmful throughout the year (regardless of season) however, they are especially damaging during the summer months. This is why it is important to place focus on heat and sun protection during this time.

Take a look at these 4 tips for skin and sun care tips to follow during the sweltering South African summer:

  1. Exfoliate for Smooth, Clearer Skin

    By exfoliating your skin, you remove remnants of dead skin. And removing this skin debris will prevent congestion and improve your skins hydration.

    Exfoliate in the mornings before applying your moisturiser, toner, sunscreen and makeup. Once you have finished exfoliating, use a hydrating cream to seal in the moisture.

  1. Drink Plenty of Water

    Summer means higher temperatures and of course, more time outdoors. We all look forward to the summer fun, but the heat leads to dehydration which can quickly result into dizziness and lingering migraines.

    To prevent this, make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day. By sticking to this routine, important moisture balance of the body and skin will be maintained.

  1. Make Sunscreen your Best Friend

    Sunscreen is vital to healthy skin. Apply a teaspoon of your chosen sunscreen to your face and apply a shot glass amount to the rest of your body.

    But remember, doing this just once a day is not enough! It is important to reapply your sunscreen throughout the day. Make sure to reapply every 2 hours. This may sound overwhelming, but it is worth it! No one wants to wake up with a painful sunburn!

  1. Soothe Sunburn Effectively

    As stated previously, sunscreen application should always be a part of your summer routine. However, if you do end up overexposing your skin to the sun, you need to soothe your skin effectively.

    Get yourself soothing balms or sun aftercare lotion. Apply your preferred product to your overexposed skin – do this as soon as you see a hint of that pesky sunburn glow. Remember, even one painful, blistering sunburn will double your skin of melanoma, so be vigilant with this.