How are you covered for contraceptives?

The birth control pill is a safe, simple and convenient way to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Other benefits include acne reduction, regular periods and easing menstrual cramps. These are the little perks, take a look at these little-known health benefits of birth control.

It’s a treatment for endometriosis. Using the pill can reduce monthly uterine build up and shedding that occurs with endometrioses, in turn slowing the migration and growth of uterine tissue in other parts of the reproductive tract. This means that women with endometrioses are not under pressure to try and conceive sooner as the damage to their reproductive system is minimised. Plus - it minimises the pain!

It’s an anaemia shield.  If you suffer from heavy periods you are more likely to become anaemic. Going on hormonal contraceptives can make your periods lighter and shorter, so you lose less blood and aren’t robbed of your energy and strength.

It lowers the risk of endometrial cancer. Birth control pills keep the lining of the uterus flat therefore lowering the risk of endometrial cancer. The longer you take the pills the lower your risk.

Did you know Bankmed offers its female members extensive cover for oral contraceptives, devices and injectables?  The following Plans offer cover at 100% of the Scheme Rate, limited to R1 670 per female beneficiary, per annum.

  • Basic Plan
  • Core Saver Plan
  • Traditional Plan
  • Comprehensive Plan
  • Plus Plan

If you’re interested in taking the pill for reasons other than birth control, make sure to consult your Healthcare Professional as every medication, including birth control, has potential side effects. The good news is there are a lot of options available and your doctor can help pick the option that is right for you.