Men's Health Month: let's talk man to man

'I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.' - Joyce Meyer

June is Men's Health Month, and as a man, it's a good time to take stock of your health and your lifestyle. Maybe it's time to incorporate some changes or go for that long-overdue checkup so you can lead a long, happy life.

Let us talk you through the most important facts.

Prevention is best

Of course, a healthy you starts with a healthy lifestyle. That means exercising regularly and following a balanced diet. But other factors, like genetics and stress, can also have a huge impact on your overall health.

That's why it's vital that you go for regular screening tests. They will allow your doctor to pick up any issues early on and allow them to be treated immediately.

It's not always our idea of fun to hang out with the GP, but if you stick to a few easy tests every year, you can prevent problems down the road.

Which tests are best?

Begin with the basics like your Body Mass Index (BMI), blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol tests. You can visit your doctor or clinic for these to get the all clear. High blood pressure and high cholesterol can be very dangerous, so be sure to get checked on an annual basis.

The following screening tests are also very important:

  • Prostate cancer: this should be checked for, after you turn 50, or after 40 if you have a family history of prostate cancer. It may include a digital rectal exam and a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test.
  • Testicular cancer: all men should have a testicular exam when seeing the doctor for a routine checkup. You can also do regular self-exams, checking for hard lumps, bumps or any changes in size and shape.
  • Colon cancer: you can do this test after 50, which involves a colonoscopy. It is painless and takes only about 15 minutes.
  • HIV test: take one regularly and be sure of your status.
  • Eye test: an annual test is recommended, and make sure you are checked for glaucoma, especially after you turn 40.

Remember, in our sunny climate checking for melanoma (skin cancer) is also vital. Look out for any moles that have changed colour or shape every month.

It's also mental

Remember, your physical health is only one aspect of health. Mental health is just as important to your wellbeing.

Just like women, men are also susceptible to anxiety, high stress and depression. Look out for symptoms like restlessness, hopelessness or not enjoying life as much as you used to. Talk to someone like a doctor or therapist about the best treatment for you.

Men behaving badly?

It's okay to indulge now and again and enjoy life. Make sure to keep a healthy social life and connect with friends and family.

But if you stick to mostly healthy diet, exercise and do your screening tests regularly, you can be at your best for a long time to come. For you, and those around you.