Surviving the winter blues - keeping your mind and body fit

Let winter win you over

Get up, dress up and show up? Do this throughout winter and you're pretty much sorted.

Ok, ok, we get it. It's not that easy when an extra half an hour under the duvet is calling.

Surviving winter and not letting the blues put a dampener on your day is a challenge for just about anyone. How we choose to deal with these challenges is what's important. Below are a few tips to use to get through winter while keeping your mind and body fit.

But seriously, step 1 is to get up!

It's very tempting to hit that snooze button and pull the covers over your head... but, oversleeping can actually leave you feeling more sleep deprived and groggy than if you got up immediately when your alarm went off. Oversleeping causes a similar feeling to that of being hungover, the feeling is even known as sleep drunkenness. Sleeping in those extra hours can confuse your body clock and leave you feeling sluggish all day.

Fuel to the fire 

Eat smart and conquer the darker days! Start your morning off by eating something worth getting out of bed for... Does warm oats with honey, almonds and organic cocoa powder or eggs, cheese and avo on rye toast sound good? Don't forget to load up on all the nutrients your body needs - read more about these here.

Side of happy: Chocolate can help ease anxiety and lighten the mood. Treat yourself to a quality chocolate instead of candies and carbohydrates as these will give you a spike in energy but ultimately won't fill you up for long and can increase anxiety. 

Let there be light 

... And lighten your mood while you're at it. When the days start getting darker a little earlier on try lighting a few candles, put on a few lamps and if possible, light that fire. When the sun's out grab a healthy dose of vitamin D and soak up the positivity. Sun aside, getting outdoors and breathing in the fresh winter air will boost your energy levels and ward off those blues. 

Getting vitamin D naturally is very important, but during winter months it may be necessary to take a vitamin D supplement to make up for the fewer rays. For the days when the winter sun is just not shining bright enough you can always look into getting what's called a happy light - a light that gives you light when natural light is sparse. 

Get moving!

Hopefully, you are so into the exercise routine you started in summer that you're not rolling reluctantly out of bed every morning, but rather doing jumping jacks while brushing your teeth. 

Exercise during winter is a challenge but even a 15 to 30 minute walk or jog can do you the world of good. Exercise releases feel-good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and endorphins. In short, exercise makes you feel happy. So... what will it be? Yoga, Pilates or a run?

Phone a friend - If you're struggling to get an exercise routine going set up a schedule with a friend, time and place. It's harder to flake when there is someone waiting for you. 

‘Winter is coming’… I mean… you were warned

Most importantly, let winter in! Yes, it’s cold and dark but you knew it was coming and know it’s going to keep on coming, once a year. Get prepared and throw yourself into that winter life, while living your best life. Dress the part (bright and colourful clothing can’t hurt), eat smart, and get out there and fill up on winter activities. When it’s really too cold to do much, then enjoy that too! Blankets, a good book, your favourite music and a cup of tea – perfect!