World Down Syndrome Day 2018 #WDSD2018

World Down Syndrome day on 21 March aims to encourage and create a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well-being of people living with Down Syndrome. We encourage you to join in any way you can so that people living with Down Syndrome have a voice that reaches every corner of the South Africa.

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012 and it has created much needed awareness around Down Syndrome and what it means to live with this genetic disability.

Individuals with Down Syndrome can live a quality life through proper care and support, medical guidance and community-based support systems such as inclusive education. The more people know about Down Syndrome the easier it has and will become to facilitate their participation in mainstream society. The overall goal of World Down Syndrome Day is to help those born with the disability to reach their full personal potential.

Here are a few ways that you can make a meaningful contribution to #WDSD2018*

  1. Explain how people with Down syndrome can and do make meaningful contributions throughout their lives, whether in schools, workplaces, living in the community, public and political life, culture, media, recreation, leisure and sport
  2. Explain how negative attitudes and a lack of knowledge about their potential as individuals prevent people with Down syndrome from having opportunities to make contributions
  3. Empower people with Down syndrome (and those supporting them) to advocate for their rights and opportunities to make meaningful contributions 
  4. Reach out to key stakeholders including educators, employers, public authorities, media and the wider community to ensure they see the benefits of enabling people with Down syndrome to make meaningful contributions and encourage these stakeholders to bring about change and disseminate this message.

People with Down Syndrome must be given the opportunity to contribute to the community in which they live. Having Down Syndrome does not mean you cannot live a valued life and be included on an equal basis with others. This World Down Syndrome Day let’s come together and listen to those with Down Syndrome and celebrate the meaningful contributions they make to society.