Can’t make it to a clinic or GP? A trusted medical consult is just a click away...

Feeling a little sick? Tummy aches or flu symptoms? Before you try to self-diagnose by asking Google because you just don’t have time to go see your GP, read on. A trusted and reliable medical consult is only a click away.

Virtual consultations with a GP

This new benefit is available to members on all Bankmed Plans subject to plan benefits. The virtual consultations are subject to your out of hospital GP consultation benefit. However, the benefit is limited to three virtual consultations per beneficiary per annum.

The virtual consultation is carried out through a Mobile App that both you and your GP must download. You may use any virtual consultation App that is available on the market. The GPs that provide this service have set aside time in their calendars to attend to virtual consults during the week, so you will need to book an appointment via the App for when your GP is free.

It’s vital that we continue managing members’ health risk and this is why there are requirements that need to be met in order for you to consult virtually. You must have had a face-to-face consultation with your GP in the past six months before having the virtual consultation. The Health Professions Council of South Africa requires that you and your GP have a pre-existing relationship before you consult virtually.

Your GP must submit verification notes for Bankmed to pay the claim. This is to protect you, the Scheme and your GP. Should you or your GP not meet these requirements, Bankmed will not pay the claim i.e. the claim will be rejected and you as a member will be liable for the claim.

When to have a virtual consultation

Virtual consultations are becoming increasingly popular, especially for follow-up consultations for monitoring a condition your GP already saw you for, in person. Virtual consultations are simple to access and available from any place at any time. This service is not to be used in emergencies or where the condition/illness is serious.

Want to check something with your GP or require a follow-up visit? Bankmed Virtual consults are here to make adulting that little bit easier.

If you're a Bankmed member and would like to find out more, email