"Happiness is an inside job," and Bankmed is keen to help you along the way!

I recently completed my Mental Wellbeing Assessment on the Bankmed App. The feedback is comprehensive and empowering, and completing the assessment is so easy. During this Wellness Month, I urge you to take advantage of these tools and incentives that are available to you, in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.
The feedback after the assessment encouraged me to "Maintain emotional and mental health by having an open and optimistic attitude towards life. By valuing my relationships with family, friends and colleagues, and taking care of my physical health, I will be able to better maintain my overall state of mental wellbeing." As I reflected on the feedback, particularly with reference to family, friends and colleagues, I remembered one instalment of wisdom that a very good friend of mine relayed to us, when our families recently got together. He was in a good mood as usual, and emphatically suggested that "Happiness is an inside job." As a responsible and learned gentleman, he was quick to acknowledge that these words are attributable to William Arthur Ward. Given that he happens to be a Bankmed member (and I seem to have a thing for bankers because I am also married to one), I fully agreed with him, and went on to add, "And Bankmed is keen to help you along the way." He just smiled in silent agreement with me.
While I was on the Bankmed App, I was also reminded that "Balance members can earn 500 Balance points every six months for completing all Mental Wellbeing Assessments." Just in case you did not know, Balance is our wellness programme designed to reward you for taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle, such as exercising, eating well and understanding your mental wellbeing. The programme is unique to Bankmed, and at no cost to the member. This is a carve out of Vitality, for Bankmed members only, and is only part of the exceptional value that we enjoy from the partnership with our administrator. Bankmed members - at an additional cost to the member of course - can also buy up to Vitality (which comes with a whole range of additional benefits), but Balance is at no cost and has good benefits. I strongly encourage all Bankmed members who may not have bought up to Vitality, to activate Balance and start your journey to a healthier you. Legendary South African sprinter, Wayde Van Niekerk agrees ( https://www.balancesa.co.za).
Given Bankmed's association with banks (and we have aspirations to expand our scope to the financial services industry - but more on this challenge on another day), I am sure you will agree that it is rather ironic to name our wellness programme "Balance." Bankmed, as an employer in this specific instance, also has full appreciation of our responsibility to create an environment where the wellbeing of our employees is of utmost importance. Caring is one our values, and this we seek to demonstrate through how we engage with our stakeholders in general, particularly our employees, members and clients. At our staff meetings, our check-in includes establishing the current "wellness balance" of each staff member. This is our way of asking, "How are you?" We believe that empathy can co-exist with high performance expectations, and the Bankmed team is a good example in this regard.
My aforementioned friend and his wife are godparents to our two daughters, and we are godparents to their son, who is now three years old. This young, busy Bankmed member is a source of so much joy to us, but getting him to go to bed at night sometimes requires some negotiation. His father told us that on one occasion the little one was not keen to go to bed, apparently because he believed there was a monster in his bedroom. His father led him to the room, looking around in a manner that sought to give assurance that there was no monster. The big champ (as his father calls him) pointed to a number of places in the bedroom where he believed the monster was hiding, and his father proved that there was no monster. The champ's second last attempt was that the monster was behind the curtains, and his father yet again demonstrated that there was no monster there too. The champ's final attempt was that the monster is "behind the outside"... my friend could only laugh hysterically in defeat, and his wife had to take over the negotiations. I advised him to patent the name "Behind the outside" for his son's future company. Consider this name reserved.
If you are a banker who is not on Bankmed, there may very well be a monster behind the outside. In this last quarter of the year, in this wellness month, I really urge you to consider Bankmed - both better value and Balance are guaranteed.
And please remember that happiness is an inside job, and Bankmed is keen to help you along the way.
Here's to your good health!
Teddy Mosomothane
Bankmed: CEO and Principal Officer