New beginnings – A restored energy in Spring

Get that New Year feeling this Spring.

“Now every field is clothed with grass, and every tree with leaves; now the woods put forth their blossoms, and the year assumes its gay attire.” - Virgil

While the 1st of January is the start of the new year, wouldn’t it be a worthwhile notion to celebrate a fresh start on the 1st of September too? Spring offers rebirth after the cold and dreary chill of winter where we all bundled up indoors, dreaming of sun filled days and the warmth outside.

When Spring finally arrives, layers can be shed and much like shedding of unnecessary clothing layers we too can begin to exude what no longer fulfils us. It’s an opportunity to move forward, step out of the end of year slump and see the last quarter of the year in new eyes.  

To get you started we’ve compiled a Spring to-do list. Get yourself refreshed, reinvigorated and renewed for the rest of 2017.

Food glorious food. We’ve all been indulging in those belly-warming winter foods. Maybe even picked up a few winter kilos? Now’s your chance to get back on track and eat healthier. Who says summer bodies are only made in winter?

Time for a wardrobe change. Time to lighten that weekly laundry load and move the heavy jerseys and winter coats to the back of the cupboard. It may not be summer but the warm weather does invite a spring dress or two out of the shadows.

Spring cleaning. Deep clean your home. Freshly washed carpets and windows feels like an additional breath of fresh air. Not only does a good clean do wonders for your home but it can also be therapeutic and create positive, optimistic feelings as well as a sense of achievement.

A clean slate. Take some time to assess your year, your accomplishments, downfalls, high and low points. Appreciate the good and bad things that have happened. Decide to learn from things that went wrong and set goals for the months to come. As we take the lessons from the year and apply them to the months ahead imagine the new beginnings ahead of us. Live consciously, revelling in the opportunity of a new start.

Whilst you are full of the joys of Spring, make sure your health is in sparkling condition too. If you have not done so yet this year, complete your online Personal Health Assessment (PHA) today.

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