Workplace goals for the new year

New Year’s resolutions go beyond just personal goal-setting, you can take them to work too! If you often find yourself thinking, ‘surely, 8 hours can go quicker than this?!’ then read below, we have five workplace resolutions for the new year and how you can achieve them.

  1. Work smart, not hard
    Start each day off by creating realistic to-do lists and select three tasks that are priority for that day. Long to-do lists will just make you feel overwhelmed and like you don’t have a handle on your day. For most companies your work is measured on outcomes, not on the amount of time you spend at the office (we hope), therefore it really helps to single out what you’re needing to get done and to then focus on just that for a designated amount of time. Being able to work to a rhythm that’s comfortable to you is important for productivity, and that is where the next goal comes in.
  2. Introduce flexi-time and remote working
    If you think about the times of the day that you have the most energy and are the most productive, it’s more often than not during the times you feel you’re being forced to work beyond your capacity. The brain doesn’t function optimally when it’s tired or if unnecessary pressure is placed on you to perform.
    According to an article from research from the Behance team found ´that placing importance on hours and physical presence over action and results leads to a culture of inefficiency (and ‘anxiety).’ (
  3. Take breaks
    Reducing stress should be one of your top goals in 2019. Figure out what activities help you relax and give yourself a proper break from your work throughout the day. Ideally you shouldn’t work for longer than 90 minutes before taking a 15 to 20-minute break – go for a quick walk, do a few stretches in a nearby park or on the office balcony, and if you’re working remotely your break can be walking to your next office aka the coffee shop.
  4. Learn a new skill
    Whether it’s as simple as becoming an Excel guru or finding an online course that will up your skills set within your industry, this is the time to do it. Even if the new hobby or skill you’ve chosen isn’t directly related to your job, taking time to grow as a person will positively impact your mood and self-esteem, which in turn will benefit your attitude and productivity and work.
  5. Put the phone down
    Or at least limit the time spent scrolling through Instagram and Facebook. Use your spare time and moments away from your computer screen to read articles and books that are relevant to your industry and that will teach you something. Watch YouTube videos or listen to Podcasts on subjects that pique your interest instead of burning through 30 minutes staring at someone else’s selfies.

    Resolutions in the workplace are a great way to encourage your team or fellow employees to focus on what is important. Setting solid resolutions, whether at a team level or company-wide, will provide a framework within which everyone can think about their role, what the next few months’ priorities are and what they can do to achieve these.